Usb Printer Controller Driver Windows 10

If you have an old printer chances are it still uses USB 2.0 and connecting a USB 2.0 printer to a USB 3.0 port on windows doesn’t always work. The good news is, you don’t have to throw your old printer out. USB fixer How to fix common USB problems on Windows 10 If you're having issues with a USB drive, audio, or printer, use this guide to quickly troubleshoot and fix common problems on Windows 10.

DriverUpdate™'s purpose is to provide easy, one-click access to all of the latest drivers for your computer. This saves you time and prevents the possibility of installing an incorrect system driver, which could potentially cause a system crash. All drivers offered by DriverUpdate™ may be available free of charge from manufacturer websites. DriverUpdate™ costs $29.97 for a one-year license, which enables you to download any out of date drivers DriverUpdate™ finds.

What is a USB Driver?

A USB (Universal Serial Bus) driver establishes and supports the communication between an upstream host controller (usually your computer) and a downstream device such as a:

  • Printer
  • Mouse
  • Digital camera
  • Zip drive
  • Gaming system or
  • Other peripheral device.

Back in the stone age of personal computer development, each device that you wanted to connect to your computer had either its own port requirement (i.e. printers) or came with it’s own PC card (i.e. modems) that had to fit into the user’s tower.

This quickly became a major issue requiring resolution as space for these ports and cards rapidly ran out. A meeting of the minds across several industries and manufacturers led to the development of the USB port and accompanying drivers. The USB port and driver can replace a large number of serial and parallel ports and is supported by the computer operating system. Overall it provides a standardized way to connect and communicate with over 120 different types of devices.

What can go wrong with my USB Driver(s)?

If you are experiencing problems with the operation of devices connected to your USB port, its most likely due to one of the factors listed below:

  • The USB driver has become outdated and causes conflicts with hardware devices connected to the USB port.
  • The computer operating system has been upgraded. Note: This is especially true for the release of Windows 7 when a new USB communication protocol was implemented and is known as USB 2.0.
  • The USB driver has been corrupted during a system crash or malware infection that has compromised system security and deleted or infected files.

How do I resolve USB Driver problems?

There is sometimes an issue where the USB port has not sensed the device you’ve connected and a system re-boot is needed for the device to be ‘found.’

Obsolete USB drivers can also be an issue and result in a high share of the errors found with USB operation. On a Windows system you can update your driver by following theses steps:

Usb Printer Controller Driver Windows 10
    • Click Start/Control Panel/ System.
    • Click the Hardware tab, and then Device Manager.
    • Click Universal Serial Bus controllers
    • Click to highlight and select the USB component to be updated.
    • Right click on the highlighted selection and choose Update Driver Software from the dropdown menu.
    • Follow the instructions from the Update Driver Software Wizard to update USB drivers.

    If the problems or errors on your system are malware related or you have problems with the driver updates procedure above, DriverUpdate™ can automatically detect your devices and drivers to perform the updating procedure for you.

Many people have this problem:

I bought a new laptop (HP Envy 13) with Windows 10. I have a USB printer (HP LaserJet 1018). When I plug it in, it appears as 'unknown device' in Devices and Printers. The troubleshooter shows a message:

which hints at that the problem is not in the printer but in Windows 10 USB printing support, which apparently cannot work with USB 3.0 ports. The laptop has only USB 3.0 ports, so apparently it cannot print at all (I did not try other printers).

What I have tried:

  • Read lots of forum messages. All of them say 'I have this problem, too,' but none has a solution.

  • I saw a suggestion to plug the printer into a USB 2.0 port, but modern computers have no USB 2.0 ports.

  • Connecting the printer via a USB 2.0 cable.

  • Connecting the printer to USB 2.0 or USB 1.0 external hub connected to the computer via a USB 2.0 cable.

  • Uninstalling USB controller drivers (Windows 10 installs them again after reboot).

  • Uninstalling the USB Printing Support device (Windows 10 installs it again after reboot) or updating it (Windows 10 says I have the latest version).

  • Looking for Windows 10 drivers on HP website. The printer is listed as supported and Windows 10 driver is in the list, but instead of a link to the driver their site says that I should use the built-in driver already included with the operating system. It has a link to 'more information', which finally sends me back to the same page.

  • Using print doctor (or so) troubleshooter from the HP site. It says the printer drivers are not installed and sends me to the above page (where there is no driver).

  • Installing Windows 7 or Windows 8 driver (it is the same driver). It gives an error when I try to use its installer, and says 'file not found' when I try to install the .INF file manually.

  • Connecting the printer to another computer with Windows 7 (works like a charm), marking it as shared and connecting to it from the Windows 10 laptop via IP. It does see it but asks to install a driver from file (shows a 'choose file' dialog without attempting to use the alleged built-in driver), but as I said HP does not provide any driver file for this printer, suggesting to use Windows 10 built-in driver. In the list of known devices that the installer shows (after syncing with Windows Update) there is no 1018 printer.

  • Installing HP LaserJet 1020 driver from that list, instead of 1018 (Windows 7 driver is the same for 1018, 1020, and 1022). It says it cannot communicate with the printer.

Windows 10 Usb Printer Driver

Any better idea?

Alexander Gelbukh
Alexander GelbukhAlexander Gelbukh

2 Answers

Maybe now, after almost two years, Microsoft or HP changed something, and maybe now it would work out of the box.

Here is what worked for me (if I recall correctly), I am not sure why, and whether it was necessary:

I connected the printer to another (actually, newer) laptop with Windows 10. Even though that laptop apparently had the same USB 3.0 (or maybe 3.1) ports, after some maybe 10 minutes Windows suddenly said that the printer was ready, and I could print from that laptop.

I think I tried the same with my old laptop: connected the printer directly to my old laptop and waited enough time, but this did not work.

So on that new laptop where the printer installed on its own, I searched in files *.inf under C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository (including subdirectories) for the string '1018', which is a part of the model name of my printer, HP LaserJet 1018:

This revealed the file hplj1020.inf_amd64_5ffa82d4dfa98331HPLJ1020.INF, which looked promising, so I copied the entire directory hplj1020.inf_amd64_5ffa82d4dfa98331 to my old laptop (where I wanted to install the printer).

I don't remember how I installed it on the old laptop. Probably in one of the two ways:

Maybe I copied the entire directory hplj1020.inf_amd64_5ffa82d4dfa98331 to C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository on the old laptop, then used the Add New Printer wizard, and in the list, under HP printers, the model 1018 (or 1020) now appeared, so I installed it.

Or maybe I copied that directory to some temporal directory on my old laptop, then used the Add New Printer wizard, chose 'I have a disk', and pointed the wizard to the .INF file in the copied directory (probably it can be done with right-clicking on the .INF file and choosing Install).

Windows 10 Controller Driver Download

So the printer installed normally and worked!

Alexander GelbukhAlexander Gelbukh

The simple answer is to download the Universal Printer driver for Windows 7.0 . You need to change the Operating system which may initially be autodetected as Windows 10 to Windows 7

Install the PCL5 driver, select the port as Dot_UsbX and continue.

Usb printer controller driver windows 10 64

protected by RamhoundJan 10 at 12:54

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