Download Game Save From Ps3 Cloud To Pc Online

My question is, when my new PC gets delivered and I eventually re-download GTA V and start playing the single player mode again. Is my save on the cloud? Is there a way of saving my current game on the cloud so I can play it on my new PC once I get it all setup? Any help much appreciated. Thanks, George. Dec 23, 2010  what im hoping for is for some way to not reset the lock time as well as keeping it to where you can only download it once per day. Play a game with a locked save on another PS3 why not just.

Is there a way of easily transferring a saved game from one machine to another?

  1. PC to PC
  2. XBox to XBox
  3. PS3 to PS3
  4. Cross platform transfers
  1. Is there any way to transfer save data to a PS3 without overwriting the original save data? The only solution that I can think of is saving the save data from my new PS3 online through PS+ and then putting it back in. The Save Data Utility, if the destination (whether the PS3, a storage device or the PS+ online storage) already has a.
  2. Once the PS Now save file is in online storage, you can simply download it from the cloud and carry on playing your PS Now game: Streamed PS Now game: Start streaming the game > press the PS Button > [Application Saved Data Management] > [Saved Data in Online Storage] > [Copy to PS Now].
  3. How to download and upload Game saves to PSN Cloud Storage from PS4, PS3 and PS Vita. The easiest way of managing data is to save it on the cloud. How to download and upload data from PS3.

3 Answers

This should work for Skyrim just like it does for other games:

For PC to PC, you can go to the 'User/Documents/My Games/Skyrim' folder and simply copy the 'Saves' folder from one machine to the corresponding folder on the other machine.

For XBox 360, here's a guide on how to transfer saved games:

  • Put your OLD hard drive into your new XBox 360
  • Log in to your profile
  • Go to the profile management
  • Move your profile onto the Memory Unit
  • Examine your hard drive with memory management tool
  • Move the game to your memory unit with Move option
  • Turn off and remove the old hard drive
  • Then put the new hard drive
  • Log in as the profile from the memory unit
  • Transfer all the game save files

For PS3, here's a good video guide on how to generally move save games and here's a guide on how to transfer save games from PC to the PS3, although it's possible that this just works with saved games which are originally from a PS3.


PC to 360 works using a 360 formatted USB stick. Unsure about other consoles. Reddit post here:

Copy the save to your 360 Formatted USB Drive. Open with Modio. Click open from device locate the save file and open it. Click the file contents tab. Extract savegame.dat rename to savegame.ess and put it into your Skyrim save game location.


I recently solved the data transfer issue for Skyrim on the PS3.None of the answers above helped at all,and like 'lildominoe' I was able to save and transfer the data to a USB but not save afterwards.

It said something like this game is saved under another user. It literally won't let you even press the save button though you can play the game from where you saved off your USB. It took me a couple hours and a little playing around so I'm giving you the exact steps of what I did.

The Solution

  1. Save your old game save data to a USB (I don't have much so I used 2GB)
  2. Log out of PlayStation Network. This hides your 'user' until you sign in again,I also deleted my user on PlayStation home screen as well.
  3. Make sure new PS3 has no users and log into P.S. Network under your old username and password. Now you have just transfered the 'user' that Skyrim recognized as the user for that save.
  4. Create a new home screen user. I used the same name as the old machine in case the game tried to recognize that as well.
  5. Load Skyrim saved game data under your old user and all that and ENJOY!!

I hope this helps. I am getting ready to repeat the process.

Don't ever buy a used system,and the fat models at that! I did it once when I got the YLOD. I used hair dryer in box to get it to stay on long enough to get my disc and the above recovery of an AWESOME SAVE!! But I went cheap and bought a used system from a friend. Lasted bout a month (enough to get me to Lv 24, I was at Lv 9 I think on my first system) but like most it's YLOD'd on me also (both the old fatgirl systems!)

So time to see if I can follow my own advice and do it again, hairdryer and all. If so I'll leave this post as is. If not I will update in the next 2 hours. Good luck, I hope it works for you and helps get you back to the wonderful world of Skrim!!ENJOY!!


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Posted by4 years ago

Download Game Save From Ps3 Cloud To Pc Online Play


Playstation Plus saved data backup storage space is inadequate. 1GB disappears quickly with the PS4.

I've been getting error notifications recently to let me know that a backup of a game save has failed due to insufficient space. I have a good amount of games, but not that many, and my 1GB is full after only a year and I'm having to go through and delete backed up saves. With increasing save file space requirements, the allotted amount for the PS4 is too small.

Final Fantasy Ps3 Cloud

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